I was getting a Reason-Code 16 in the system eventlog on a Windows 2003 ISA server and didn't know if the secret for the Radius clients was wrong, or if my config was wrong. I had a Windows 2000 IAS server that was functioning fine.
I copied the IAS config from the Win2k box to the 2k3 box:
By running netsh aaaa config > 2000.txt and then running netsh exec 2000.txt on the Windows 2003 server.
Then my 2003 IAS started working.
Copy IAS configuration
RightFax Fax Cover Sheet conversion issues
The workservers would hang or crash when using Microsoft Word to convert the FCS. You couldn't stop them in the Enterprise Fax Manager; they would just stay in a "stopping" state. You would have to kill the workserver.exe processes. Converting these to the RightFax native PCL format solved the issue and increased the stability and performance of RightFax in a huge way.
FCS (Fax Cover Sheets) are stored in Rightfax\FCS. The source (word document) file is in a subfolder of FCS. Typically the cover sheet should be PCL format. See the AdministratorsGuide.pdf for details on how to create a FCS.
Using the built-in Windows 2000 HP LaserJet 4000 PCL driver produced the best results for us.
Here are some articles from Captaris that are useful:
190 - How do I run a RightFax 8.x or 9.0 WorkServer in Debug Mode?
3537 - Important information on Server Side Application (SSA) conversion using Microsoft Office applications
Basically don't use Word to do your fax cover sheet (FCS) conversion…..
Changing MSDE sa password
RightFax 9.0 upgrade from 8.5
2110 - Upgrading to RightFax version 9.0