
window 8, juniper ssl vpn, rdp connection issues

connection drops every 30 seconds or so with Juniper SSL VPN RDP terminal services client.  Using the full VPN and the native windows 8 remote desktop client, I had no problems.

The problem ended up being a HP wireless printer/scanner issue.  I remove the printer from windows 8 and don't have any problems any longer.  I also did not have any issues when the printer was turned on.  It seems that the driver does a broadcast every 30 seconds that interrupts the Juniper rdp client.  Maybe stopping the spooler would have fixed it?

See this thread:

I also turned off UDP transmission for RDP, but I don't think that was my issue at all:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services\Client\

Create a dword and assign a value of 1 to:  tofClientDisableUDP dword:00000001