
windows 7 error recovery options

bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures

You can crash as often as you like and you will not be prompted for
the Startup Repair.

To restore things to normal, simply issue the following command:

bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy displayallfailures

this will prevent that "start windows normally" or windows recovery
screen if the machine crashes or whatever - useful for unattended
remote machines.


disable windows 7 recovery options completely.

from: http://www.sevenforums.com/general-discussion/11336-disable-windows-startup-repair-default-option.html

to prevent the windows 7 recovery options screen from appearing after
a crash, do this:

bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures

You can crash as often as you like and you will not be prompted for
the Startup Repair.

To restore things to normal, simply issue the following command:

bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy displayallfailures


find where the path to which vimrc

find the path to where the vimrc is located in the currently running vim session:

use the following commands in vim:



how to process outlook rules on Lync IM missed conversations

Outlook (at least the 2007 version) will not process rules which might run against Lync IM "missed converation" messages for some reason - probably because it doesn't see them as "incoming" messages and rather "stored" messages.  If you manually run the outlook rule it will process those messages.

So a round-about way of having outlook process rules on those types of messages is to run these rule via a VBS script run by the a scheduled task in windows.  The VBS script you're looking for is here:

for constant, UNREAD_MSGS_ONLY see below
'Name Value Description
'olRuleExecuteAllMessages 0 Executes a rule against all messages in the specified folder or folders.
'olRuleExecuteReadMessages 1 Executes a rule against messages that have been read in the specified folder or folders.
'olRuleExecuteUnreadMessages 2 Executes a rule against messages that have not been read in the specified folder or folders.


view / display / see wireless connections

If you want to remove a wireless access point / connection in windows
8 and you are out of range of it; or you just want to view a list of
the wireless APs you've connected to, you're out of luck if you want a
built-in gui.

There are other options like the netsh wlan command. Here's a good listing:


boot animations for android


good stuff -- fav:  apple vs andy 

stock ics rom for atrix 2 (mb865)


loop android boot sound

in the desc.txt file  if there's a sound listed as indicated by "s filename.ogg"  you can make that sound loop by editing / adding the metadata tags for the ogg file (in audacity or another tag editor). 

the tag name to be added is: "ANDROID_LOOP"  it's value should be "true".

For example: In audacity under file, "open metadataeditor editor", then add the tag above.

There are some other tags I've seen used in ogg files, but none of them made any difference: LOOPSTART  LOOPLENGTH 

android boot animation factory

android boot animation factory


window 8, juniper ssl vpn, rdp connection issues

connection drops every 30 seconds or so with Juniper SSL VPN RDP terminal services client.  Using the full VPN and the native windows 8 remote desktop client, I had no problems.

The problem ended up being a HP wireless printer/scanner issue.  I remove the printer from windows 8 and don't have any problems any longer.  I also did not have any issues when the printer was turned on.  It seems that the driver does a broadcast every 30 seconds that interrupts the Juniper rdp client.  Maybe stopping the spooler would have fixed it?

See this thread:

I also turned off UDP transmission for RDP, but I don't think that was my issue at all:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services\Client\

Create a dword and assign a value of 1 to:  tofClientDisableUDP dword:00000001


change boot option in uefi boot menu


see the bcfg command.

UEFI shell F-keys

at least on HP integrity bl860c i2 blades using putty:  the f-keys can be simulated using ESC - and the f-key number.

example to simulate F3 for exit in the efi edit command editor press ESC then 3.


upgrade Solutions Enabler - getting symcfg discover error message

if you get this message after upgrading solutions enabler and trying to refresh the database via symcfg discover, then do the following:

# /usr/symcli/bin/symcfg discover
The SYMAPI database file cannot be used because it was written by a version of SYMAPI that is no longer supported

then do this:
> /var/symapi/db/symapi_db.bin

That's the same as doing: cat /dev/null > /var/symapi/db/symapi_db.bin

Now you can do the symcfg discover without errors.